List Button Vue Component

    List Button Vue component represents Framework7's List Button element. They are intended to be used inside of the List Vue Component.

    List Button Components

    There are following components included:

    • f7-list-button

    List Button Properties

    Prop Type Default Description
    title string Button inner text
    text string Button inner text, same as title
    tab-link string/boolean Enables tab link and specify CSS selector of the target tab (if specified as a string)
    tab-link string/boolean Makes this tab link active
    no-fast-click boolean Disables fast click
    target string Link target attribute
    <f7-list-button> navigation/router related properties
    href string
    # URL of the page to load. In case of boolean href="false" it won't add href tag
    target string Value of link target attribute, e.g. _blank, _self, etc.
    view string CSS selector of the View to load the page
    external boolean Enable to bypass Framework7's link click handler
    back boolean Enables back navigation link
    force boolean Force page to load and ignore previous page in history (use together with back prop)
    reload-current boolean Reloads new page instead of the currently active one
    reload-previous boolean Replace the previous page in history with the new one from route
    reload-all boolean Load new page and remove all previous pages from history and DOM
    animate boolean Disables pages animation
    ignore-cache boolean Ignores caching
    route-tab-id string Routable Tab id
    route-props object Object with additional props that will be passed to target route component
    <f7-list-button> action related properties
    panel-open string
    Defines panel to open. Can be left or right
    panel-close boolean Closes panel on click
    actions-open string
    CSS selector of the action sheet to open on click
    actions-close string
    CSS selector of the action sheet to close on click. Or boolean property to close currently opened action sheet
    popup-open string
    CSS selector of the popup to open on click
    popup-close string
    CSS selector of the popup to close on click. Or boolean property to close currently opened popup
    popover-open string
    CSS selector of the popover to open on click
    popover-close string
    CSS selector of the popover to close on click. Or boolean property to close currently opened popover
    sheet-open string
    CSS selector of the sheet modal to open on click
    sheet-close string
    CSS selector of the sheet modal to close on click. Or boolean property to close currently opened sheet modal
    login-screen-open string
    CSS selector of the login screen to open on click
    login-screen-close string
    CSS selector of the login screen to close on click. Or boolean property to close currently opened login screen
    sortable-enable string
    CSS selector of the Sortable list to open on click
    sortable-disable string
    CSS selector of the Sortable list to close on click. Or boolean property to close currently opened Sortable list
    sortable-toggle string
    CSS selector of the Sortable list to toggle on click. Or boolean property to toggle currently opened/closed Sortable list
    searchbar-enable string
    CSS selector of the Expandable Searchbar to be enabled on click. Or boolean property to enable the first found Searchbar
    searchbar-disable string
    CSS selector of the Expandable Searchbar to be disabled on click. Or boolean property to disable the first found Searchbar
    searchbar-toggle string
    CSS selector of the Expandable Searchbar to toggle on click. Or boolean property to toggle the first found Searchbar
    searchbar-clear string
    CSS selector of the Expandable Searchbar to clear on click. Or boolean property to clear the first found Searchbar

    List Button Events

    Event Description
    <f7-list-button> events
    click Event will be triggered after click on a button


      <f7-list-button title="List Button 1"></f7-list-button>
      <f7-list-button title="List Button 2"></f7-list-button>
      <f7-list-button title="List Button 3"></f7-list-button>
    <f7-list inset>
      <f7-list-button title="List Button 1"></f7-list-button>
      <f7-list-button title="List Button 2"></f7-list-button>
      <f7-list-button title="List Button 3"></f7-list-button>
    <f7-list inset>
      <f7-list-button title="Red List Button" color="red"></f7-list-button>
      <f7-list-button title="Green List Button" color="green"></f7-list-button>
      <f7-list-button title="Orange List Button" color="orange"></f7-list-button>